May Visits Trump
- Posted by Shyam Gokani in Brexit, Currency, Dollar, Economy, EUR, Prime Minister, Sterling, UK
- January 27, 2017
- No Comments
Prime Minister Theresa May called on President Donald Trump on Thursday to renew the “special relationship” between Britain and the United States and lead in a new, changed world.
In the United States for what will be Trump’s first meeting with a foreign leader since he took office last week, May signaled a shift in foreign policy, bringing her position more in line with that of Trump.
She urged the two countries and their leaders to stand united and confront new challenges, including the rise of economies in Asia that people fear could “eclipse the West,” the threat of Islamic extremism and a resurgent Russia.
Aware that Brexit will shape her legacy, May welcomed her early visit to the United States, a boost to her attempts to show that Britain can prosper outside the European Union despite criticism at home for being close up to Trump.
May has threatened to walk away from the EU if she fails to get a good deal, and some critics say that could give other countries, like the United States, the upper hand in any talks.
And the EU might not take kindly to any overly friendly overtures to a president some of the bloc’s main leaders have voiced concern about.
May says she will launch the divorce talks by the end of March by triggering Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty, which gives up to two years to negotiate an exit deal. Only then can she agree with third countries.
Meanwhile Trump wants Mexico to pay for his wall. The Mexican president has cancelled his planned visit to America.
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