Buying or selling something special overseas you will undoubtedly be affected by the volatile foreign currency exchange markets. We are here to make sure you don’t end up paying more or receiving less than you should, by providing lucrative financial tools to protect you against the risks involved within foreign currency exchange.
Highly competitive exchange rate.
Buying or selling something overseas guarantees you to be affected by volatile currency fluctuation, so Currencies 4 You will make sure we provide you with the financial tools you require, ensuring we minimise foreign exchange risk. Transferring money overseas is our specialty, providing this service for thousands of clients overseas allows us to purchase close to interbank exchange rates, allowing us to provide this benefit on to our clients. Meaning you can obtain more for your money by achieving highly competitive exchange rates available on the market today. Although the market moves every 2-3 seconds our dedicated team will make you aware of these currency fluctuations ensuring we guide you to purchasing the currency at the right time. You will also be informed of the various financial solutions available in making this currency purchase entirely tailor-made to suit your requirements.
We watch the markets so you don’t have to.
Each client welcomed by Currencies 4 You is provided with their own dedicated personal account manager, who will introduce you to the range of services that are available to you. Your personal account manager will be on hand to provide you with up to date market analysis on how your money is moving, whilst you are able to concentrate on the other factors involved with the whole process of emigrating. They will be on hand to provide you with the financial solutions that best suit you. Hearing what you have to say and tailor making our service to cater for your currency needs.
Tailor made service.
You personal account manager will provide you with different financial solutions available to you to ensure the contract you choose is tailor made to your requirements i.e. spot contracts, forward contracts, limit orders and stop loss contracts.
Same day global transfer.
With our banking partners and the efficiency of our internal payments department we can execute transfers same day to most countries so your payment can arrive there within hours of your request. Whilst applying for your payment to be sent, we can provide you with a Proof of Payment, which is a document that shows where and when the transfer has been made, enabling you to send this to your receiving beneficiary so that they are aware the transfer has been made.
Making regular international transfers.
If you are making regular international transfers it is important that these payments are made correctly, quickly and efficiently. Our regular payments division will ensure that all payments are made on time and to your convenience.
This division benefits you if:
- You are paying a mortgage overseas
- Paying a builder in stages for maintenance
- Sending your pension payment overseas
- Sending spending money across
Our regular payment division can also provide you with a simple regular payments overseas plan to executive fast, efficient and cost effective payments.
SMS Alerts.
Our new SMS alerts allow you to be kept up to date with market fluctuations even when you’re on the go. The system even allows you to access you account information including authorising payments to your chosen accounts via your mobile telephone. Ask your personal account manager for more information.